Ozonated Olive Oil
50.00 TL
50.00 TL

Le Charme Natural Ozonated Olive Oil It is a product obtained by transferring pure Oxygen molecules into olive oil molecules having organic certificate. Le Charme Natural Ozonated Olive Oil is an organic olive oil which is converted into Ozonide with high density ozone. NOT DRUG. It should be used as a SUPPORT to CURRENT MEDICAL TREATMENT. Olive oil Olive oil called gold liquid is a source of healing. It is a natural medicine. It is known that it contains antioxidant elements that prevent the damage caused by harmful substances in our body as well as fatty acids which are of great importance for human beings. These elements support hormones help the development of cell differentiation the formation of cell membranes. Olive Oil is a Health Source; Oleic acid, the fatty acid it contains, is used in the pharmaceutical industry it is known to be a good protector for the heart with its antioxidant anticoagulant properties. It also regulates the ratio of omega-6 fatty acid to omega-3 fatty acid prevents the progression of many diseases related to the heart immune system, including diseases cancer. In addition to its many known benefits, it is known to help protect against skin cancer in topical applications, to prevent the oxidation of keratin protein, to keep hair soft shiny, to prevent peeling breakage of nails. Prevents joint infection, pain relief function, reduces pain by applying to painful areas, fights against inflammation, helps prevent sciatica, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle cramps pains, chronic migraine pain, skin injuries, varic disease, sunburn, ear sore throat. Olive Oil is a Source of Beauty; Nourishes, protects softens skin, acts as a cell regenerator. Improves both the appearance structure of the skin. It contributes to the repair of the skin has a strong moisturizing feature that prevents water loss. Olive oil is used to tighten skin, prevent fraying, soften hair, strengthen nails. Leaves skin clean & shiny What is Ozone? General Information About Ozone Ozone is formed by the conversion of the Oxygen atom in the upper atmosphere of our earth into three atomic oxygen by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. The colorless ozone gas at room temperature has a characteristic odor. Ozone forms the ozone layer that protects our world from the harmful UV rays of the sun protects living things against the sun's radiation effect. Very strong oxidizing properties. It is an effective disinfectant. Ozone, known as active oxygen (Q3), is the most effective odor remover germicide.   Ozone; Disinfection of water, ambient air cleaning, swimming pools, taste, color turbidity odor removal, removal of heavy metals, disinfection of bacteria viruses, food storage, poultry, markets greengrocers, red meat processing plants, food factories, cold storage, container disinfection , greenhouses, fish farming, airborne diseases, the removal of food food industry, bottles food containers disinfection, veterinary animal husbandry infection removal, aflatoxin purification, food air sulfur removal, air conditioning systems, human blood virus removal, weakening, skin diseases, viruses caused by diseases, circulatory disorders, chronic fatigue, skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis resistant fungi, neurological diseases such as migraine multiple sclerosis s, hospitals, airports, hotels, baths are used in places with air-conditioned system. Ozonated Olive Oil; Since its first use; Eliminating Skin Wrinkles Skin Renewal, Cellulite, Acne, Acne, Blemish, Heel Stretch, After Laser Hair Removal, Body Dryness, Hair Loss, Damaged Hair, Aphthae, Herpes, Shingles, Intraoral Infection, Skin Infections, Insect, Insect Bee Sting , Infant Adult Rashes, Fungal Treatment,, Joint Muscle Pain, Hemorrhoids, All Burns (including Sun Radiation), Bed Sores Diabetic Feet, Sweat Smells, Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo, Lichen, Urticaria, Striae, Keloid Used in Healing Wounds Stretch Marks.


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