Hand, Face & Body Lotion with Pomegranate Seed Oil
30.00 TL
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Le Charme Naturel Hand, Face & Body Lotion with Pomegranate Seed Oil
Supports your skin to moisturize. Helps your skin to protect against dryness cracks. Gives softness a pleasant scent to your skin.
Pomegranate Seed Oil
The pomegranate (punica granatum), native to ancient Persia, has been valued for centuries as a medicinal plant. The seeds found in the red arils of the fruit are compressed the oils are then squeezed out. The best pomegranate seed oils are cold pressed which helps to preserve all of the natural benefits of the oil; it’s enzymes, nutrients and vitamins.
Benefits of Pomegranate Seed Oil for Skin
- Benefits for Acne
Heals the acne also prevents the scar formation by regenerating tissues in the affected area.
- Anti Aging
Repairs damaged cells due to sun exposure, pollution aging so that you get smooth youthful skin.
- Healing Cuts Scrapes
Rapidly heals of the wound also fights infection. Besides, it does not leave a scar mark on the skin after healing.
- The Skin Regenerator
Regenerate the major cells of the epidermis, helping to reveal younger-looking skin. A moisturising nourishing oil containing over 60% punicic acid which gives the oil anti-inflammatory anti-aging properties.
- Takes care of your skin
Improves skin elasticity, balances skin ph. It has natural antioxidants, which protect skin from free radicals, helps prevent destroy formation of cancer cells.
The Lotion, is applied to clean skin with massage according to the needs of your body after each bath. It can be applied several times in a day, to the roughened areas such as elbows as needed.
- Used externally.
- Keep away from children daylight.
- Store at cool dry place, in its own box.
- This is not medicine.
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